Anglican Church of Virginia

First Faith of Virginia. First Faith of America. Fall 2004

Editorial On Mission. Anglican Church of Virginia News has as it purpose to improve communications between Anglicans and to offer information on the mission and outreach of ACOVA and the Anglican Seminary of Virginia. In these critical times, in the life of the Body of Christ, it is essential to keep our efforts focused on the work of the Church. Developments in the Anglican Communion make the work of traditional Anglicans more important today than ever before. Accurate and timely information are goals of the News. Our Mission as Christians is the saving and the cure of the everlasting souls of God’s people. This we strive to do and shall achieve as God’s faithful remnant in a broken world. You are invited to attend our developing parishes in Virginia, or to found a new parish. The training of new traditional priests is the cornerstone of our work to restore, perserve and expand the True Anglican Faith. The “religion” we have viewed in the media recently is not of the True Faith. The True Faith is that which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. We are followers of Christ and know a belief in Him is necessary for our salvation. If you feel God is calling you to the priesthood or you know of a man in whom you see Christ, encourage him in this. Inform others of our work to reach souls and become a vital part of God’s work as a member of the Anglican Church of Virginia. Please call or e-mail.

Faithfully, +Larry W. Johnson

HEADLINES Updated October 8, 2004

The Anglican Church of Virginia – Behind the Headlines (Click here for Past News in the Archive)
1. Apostolic Succession Now Completed and Posted on the Web. View this wonderful historical document tracing the laying on of hands from Jesus to Peter, through the middle ages to Bishop Johnson and other anglo-catholic leaders of today. A 25 page work of history is a must read for Anglican scholars and a great primer for those interested in learning more about the history of our church.

2. New bishop for the Anglican Orthodox Church of Haiti. The Rev. Fr. Joseph B. D. Desir was consecrated 12 September, 2004 at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Father Joseph has been studying in the United States and looks forward to increasing the ministry of Anglicans in Haiti. He will administer educational programs for a growing program of teacheres and students. Schools are located throughout Haiti. Additionally, there is one orphanage and twelve clergymen and parishes. Consecrators for Bishop-elect Desir were: the Rt. Rev. Melvin Pickering, D.D, of New Mexico; the Rt. Rev. Vincent Thakore, M.Div., M.A.Psy., M.A. Eng., M.C.E., of Georgia; and the Rt. Rev. Larry W. Johnson, M.Ed., D.Min., CAE, DAPA, of Virginia. The Rev. Jonathan Pietschmam, Lt. Col. USAF (retired) serves as the Dean of the Cathedral and will host activities.

3. First Deacons for Virginia Ordained. The Rt. Rev. Larry W. Johnson ordained two deacons September 12, 2004. They are: Mr. Paul D. Wager of Fredericksburg, Virginia; Mr. Roscoe M. Porter, Jr. of Richmond, Virginia; . They were ordained at Holy Cross Anglican Church at Fredericksburg.

4. New Parishes Slated for Eastern and Western Virginia. The Commonwealth will be divided into four missionary regions with deacons charged to direct parish delopment. With strong interest in eastern and western areas parishes are planned soon.

5. Australians ask for Communion with the Anglican Church of Virginia. Australian Bishop Ernest Kelly has joined with Anglican Church of Virginia. Bishop Kelly and Bishop Johnson came to agreements recently. Bishop Kelly was in the United State for talks and the strengthening of bonds. The Haitian Anglican Orthodox Church and ACOVA established a joint communion in 2001. The Virginia Communion now consists of three provinces and two missionary districts.”I am pleased with these developments and look forward to others joining us soon,” said Bishop Johnson.

It was at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 that the the Anglican Church came to the American Colonies. The first Holy Communion was held on Jamestown Island June 21, 1607. It was the Third Sunday after Trinity and the priest officiating was the Rev. Robert Hunt. In the wilderness of the New World they celebrated under a sail taken from the mast of one of their ships to provide shade from the hot sun.

6. ACIC will met in Atlanta. Bishops met in Atlanta September 22-24, 2004. This is the fourth meeting of the ACIC since its founding in 2001. The Anglican Church International Communion consists of a College of Bishops who desire greater unity in the traditional continuing church. Bishops who join agree and support a Declaration of Principles which sets forth traditional Anglican tenets of faith. Recently the ACIC has received much attention in some parts of the world. It is the purpose of the ACIC to be open to all traditionalists believing in the faith as found in the 1928 BCP in the United States and the 1549, 1552 and the 1662 for Anglicans in other places in the world.

7. New Seminary is enrolling for next term now. Persons considering enrolling should contact the seminary at 1.540. 635.5521 for an interview. Interested men may email: [email protected] The Anglican Seminary of Virginia (ASV) is a cooperative education study program. Six graduate diplomas and Licentiate in Theology are offtered. An undergraduate program is offered for students with one and one-half years of college work completed. Click here for link to ASV’s new Website.

8. Pastoral Counseling Training for laity and clergy is offered as part of clergy training. Those interested may call or email for information. The counseling institute is administered by the Bishop and offers counseling for individuals, families and children. Telephone number is: 1.540.635.5521 or email: [email protected]

9. ACOVA’s Missionary District of the Philipines is Planning. Fr. Rommel Banag is working hard to keep up with increased demands. His churches are in need of our prayers. We will post news of planned celebrations by our missions in the Philipines. You are invited to call the bishop’s office to learn more.

10. Haiti Anglicans have worked to assist those hit by floods. Our children in our schools in Haiti have helped as much as possitble, but additional assistance is needed. Click here to find out more about ACOVA’s special union with the Church of Haiti. Computers are needed to improve the children’s learning. Donations would be welcomed for this purpose.

11. Virginia churches are growing. New parishes are planned. Parishes have experienced growth in recent months. New deacons will soon form parishes in eastern and western Virginia. New deacon Roscoe Porter will assist Fr. Jon Pietschman at Prince of Peace Anglican Church and offer assistance to developing parishes. Paul Wager is available to assist developing parishes in Northern Virginia. Contact the Bishop for information.

12. Evensong is open for visits. Traditional Anglicans may come to Evensong, the Bishop’s home, to discuss matters of growth, founding parishes, or to just visit. Call for an appointment.

13. Prayer and children. Teaching our children to pray is an important responsibility of parents and family. The publication. “Teaching Our Children to Pray” is availble. It was written by Sondra B. Johnson, author and editor of numerous artilces. You may receive a free copy by ordering. Call or write.

14. Prince of Peace Anglican Church will move to new location. See parishes page for more information.

15. Holy Cross Anglican Church at Fredericksburg, Virginia grows and plans for future increased ministry. Growth at Holy Cross has been steadily increasing. The vestry has purchased a church building that will play an important part in the future work of the parish. Deacon Paul Wager has given outstanding leadership in the founding of Holy Cross. Anita Wager publishes the monthly parish newsletter that informs the community of opportunities and parish ministry. The very active Women’s Guild contributes to the enthusiastic life of the parish. For help on parish organization and administration these parishioners are ready to assist. Services are at 10 am each Sunday. Holy Communion is on the first and third Sundays of the month. Morning Prayer on other Sundays. Call 1.540.379.4180 for information.

16. New Promotional Materials and Literature are available from the Bishop’s office. Let others know about our Church. The artwork at the top of page is available as a bumper sticker for vehicles, and as a three-foot by eight-foot banner. Contact the bishop’s office to order yours.

ACOVA has developed a library of twenty publications and promotional brochures? Visit the web page that list these useful materials. You may call the Bishop’s Office to order. Telephone; 1.540.635.5521.

17. Deacon’s Holy Communion Service has been approved for use. Order copies for use in your new parish.

18. ACOVA Ready to Receive New Communicants Anglican Church of Virginia is prepared to receive “homeless priests and parishes”. Application for parish and priest affiliation, or Email for affiliation information

The Bishop welcomes disenfranchised Episcopalians to ACOVA. Click here to read news release.
ACOVA makes the Front Page of a Virginia newspaper. This is dated but still useful reading.

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